Magic Bag Hot or Cold Compress Extended
Magic Bag Hot or Cold Compress Extended
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Magic Bag Hot or Cold Compress Extended

SKU # 3528919   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Magic Bag Hot or Cold Compress Extended
THE MAGIC BAG, EXTENDED Aid your body to recover faster from all of your outdoor activities with the Canadian-made hot cold compress that provides all-natural pain relief! EXTENDED: a natural continuation of your outdoor sports or everyday hard work!
Voted Family-Tested, Family-Approved seal for 2021
Ideal to sooth pain and soreness in the neck and shoulders
Canadian-made & filled with 100% organic Canadian oats
Provides moist heat for just about 30 minutes
Ergonomic design enables comfortable use while standing
Store in the freezer and use cold to sooth inflammation
Grains are compostable after 100 uses. MADE IN CANADA.

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